Philips Chloride Self Diagnostic Battery Backup Steel White Recessed Self Diagnostic

Philips Chloride

At Chloride Systems we do one thing...LIFE SAFETY! Exit signs, emergency lighting, solid state lighting, ballasts, AC systems, and accessories. It’s all we do and we’ve been leading the industry for over 35 years.

Thank you for considering Chloride Systems! 

The smartest designs start with the latest technology: solid state lighting. In applying the latest in energy-efficient, high-output, white LEDs, Chloride Systems offers an array of lighting fixtures for normally on and emergency applications.

Self Diagnostic

Self Diagnostic

Battery Backup

Products with battery backup contain a battery so in the case of a power outage the lights or signs with stay illuminated for roughly 90 minutes.


Steel Exit Signs


Most product that have white housing color are made of a thermoplastic material.


Exit signs and lighting considered recessed will be partially hidden in a wall or ceiling.  If you are looking to completely hide your lighting you might want to consider one of our concealed emergency lighting options.